About us
About Us
We are committed to promoting the core values of cryptocurrency – private property rights and privacy protection. Our vision is to challenge the current market landscape dominated by centralized services through technological innovation, unleash the potential of decentralization, and enable everyone to fully control their wealth and enjoy true privacy rights. This is not only a technological choice, but also a firm commitment to individual rights and social progress.
We are committed to defending the two
core innovations brought about by
1. Innovation of private property rights: In a decentralized system, users have absolute control over their digital assets, and any
unauthorized actions cannot transfer these
assets. This innovation completely
overturned the traditional asset
management model in the financial system,making individuals truly the owners of their own property.
2. Privacy and anonymity: The anonymity
provided by cryptocurrencies protects
users' privacy rights, allowing individuals to
conduct transactions without revealing
their identities, avoiding unnecessary
scrutiny and intervention. This not only
protects the legitimate rights and interests of users, but also safeguards their freedom.This privacy protection mechanism is one of the important characteristics that
distinguish cryptocurrencies from
traditional financial systems.
Team background
Pioneer in Privacy Research. The core team members come from the TorProject and Tornado teams, with extensive experience in privacy protection technology.
Our vision
Protect your privacy and respect your property freedom. We are committed to providing users with privacy-preserving encryption services to ensure that their financial privacy is not violated.
Core mission
Technology drives privacy, privacy safeguards freedom. Through technological innovation, continuously enhance CPcash’s privacy protection capabilities. Ensure the private property rights of users, protect privacy and anonymity.
Privacy Commitment
Privacy first, we promise never to compromise. Promise to protect user data privacy and never compromise.